Childhood Cancer Awareness

Friends of Cathryn Foundation’s Annual September Fundraiser!

Children diagnosed and treated for cancer face chemo regimens and treatment that damage future fertility and ability to reproduce. While these children may survive the perils of cancer, the long term effects from chemotherapy, radiation and other agents strip them of so much and leave them with many challenges as adults. The ability to conceive is just one of many effects and its what we are attempting to support with this year’s September Shopping Event. The cost of even investigating the ability to reproduce is high let alone the process of undergoing egg retrieval, egg donors, sperm donors and IVF. Insurance do not cover the over $10K cost to explore and undergo these reproductive options so it’s up to the survivor to fund a potential family. That’s not right! Help us to fund this new field of support for survivors of childhood cancer. Shop our event or make a donation here or on our Venmo (@friendsofcathryn).